Saturday 28 November 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 32.

In my post of the 13th Oct I alluded to the appeal hearing back in 2006 that Busbridge had heard in front of this odious man. Now I have disliked the British judiciary ever since 1971 when I first had contact with the wonderful British judicial process, and funnily enough that concerned a QC. Ever since then as I am an avid reader of the press I have been able to see that far from us having this wonderful legal system that politicians and people in the ruling classes would have us believe is the best in the World, I have only contempt for it.
Let us face it ALL Judges almost without exception, belong to the upper classes. They do not live in my World and they are totally out of touch with it. They are a cossetted class who are given time and again to handling cases like the buffoons that they are. They are supremely arrogant and nowadays they seem to believe that it should be they who rule this country. They have become incapable of handing down consistent, sensible sentences to the extent that some seem in need of being sectioned. I could ramble on but will desist as I am sure you get the picture.
Of course barristers belong to the same set as it is they who later on become Judges, so my ire is also directed to that useless section of our wonderful justice system, and this arrogant Hobbs QC is part of that mob. If you read the transcript of this appeal hearing which never issued a conclusion as the liar Busbridge dropped the appeal. Now why did he drop it? Simply because he was given advice by Hobbs and the IPO bloke also in attendance, as to how he could circumvent the decisions made by the Hearing Officer Landau, who said he was not entitled to the mark and it could not be renewed.
Of course giving advice in a case is 'ILLEGAL', but no matter for these arrogant oafs in ermine, are Kings (and some no doubt Queens) in their legal state. No one is able to say a dicky bird to them, and so they know they can do whatever they like and get away with it.
This explains why during that hearing the illustrious Hobbs felt he could with impunity, say that he thought that my opposition case to Chrysler was 'Sordid'. Now this opposition case had absolutely nothing to do with the appeal hearing he was chairing. So why did he say it? If you read right through the whole 'sordid' transcript it will be obvious as to why he said it. For it is glaringly obvious that he was showing extreme bias towards Busbridge and this was part of that.
Of course for any judge or other judicial person, to show bias is 'ILLEGAL' YET AGAIN HE FEARS NO ONE AND BLUNDERS ON WITH IT.

What would you think on reading all this crap? You I am sure would be hopping mad, in fact 'raging mad' So it is that is how I feel. So I, on not getting anywhere with the T/Sol, sent in my written complaint to the Office for Judicial Complaints. Let me say straight up, that I have nothing but contempt for ALL THE BODIES THAT HAVE BEEN SET UP TO SUPPOSEDLY DEAL WITH COMPLAINTS MADE BY THE PUBLIC, AGAINST VARIOUS GOVERNMENT BODIES. THEY ARE ALL AN OUTRAGEOUS WASTE OF TIME, ARE MERELY WINDOW DRESSING TO GIVE THE ILLUSION THAT THE WONDERFUL BRITISH POLITICIANS CARE ABOUT HOW WE MERE PEASANTS ARE DEALT WITH BY GOVERNMENT AND ITS ENDLESS BODIES.

I remember well that my MP back in the nineties, telling me that all these Ombsbudsmen are useless and a waste of time, and so it is with the OJC. For after the usual two months wait, I get a letter from some clerk, who I wonder what credentials she had, who threw out my complaint. The reasons she gave showed that she had not even read the transcript, and she completely ignored a lot of the complaints I had outlined in my letter. THIS IS WHAT ALL THESE USELESS CIVIL SERVANTS DO WITH COMPLAINTS. THEY CHERRY PICK A FEW POINTS YOU MAKE, WHICH THEY FEEL THEY CAN BULLSHIT THEIR WAY AROUND, IGNORE THE IMPORTANT POINTS, FILL THEIR LETTERS WITH HEAPS OF CIVIL SERVICE WAFFLESPEAK, THAT DOES NOT AMOUNT TO A ROW OF BEANS, AND THEN TELL YOU TO BUGGER OFF. (In as many words)


Keep watching this blog if your interested in seeing the outcome of the forthcoming hearing re Busbridges attempt to make my Trade Mark registration invalid and my accusations of gross and persistant acts of perjury. His registration having been gained by perjury, fraud and perverting the course of Justice. Not forgetting his brothers accusation that Busbridge also committed perjury at the hearing that dealt with the application to correct the register. Do not forget I went to my local Police about the perjury and the IPO told them that they were best placed to deal with it. SO WE WILL SEE JUST WHAT THEY DO, OR MAYBE JUST WHAT THEY WILL NOT DO!!!

Saturday 21 November 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 31.

Again it has been some time since I last updated and this is because as we all know all government departments only move at snails pace. Even though I complained months ago about the provable perjury of Busbridge, they have refused to act only saying that they will deal with all that at the Invalidity Hearing which has taken until now for me to even get a date for it.
As I said in previous post I have taken on an I/P lawyer and he contacted the IPO to get them to agree to have a telephone conference to discuss the rolling up of three actions into one hearing. This was then made into two actions, namely the application by Martin to rectify the register again due to his brothers lies made throughout all the hearings. Martin sent the IPO a statement in which he laid out all his complaints as to what had happened throughout the various hearings which started in 2004 with his application to register the T/M. Especially Roberts application to rectify the register to read that he was now the only registered owner of the mark.
So the IPO turned this into an application to rectify made by Martin. Of course even though I am inextricably linked to all this, I was to be once again kept out of it. So at this conference which took weeks before it happened on the 17th Nov, my lawyer asked that I be allowed to be part of this process and that we wanted the application made by Busbridge to make my registration of my mark, made invalid, to be heard at the same time.
The IPO agreed to this but let us face it, it was no magnaminous decision as they really could not refuse, unless they wished to make it look like they were complete assholes. We were all given until the end of Dec 2009 to get in all our statements and evidence, then a hearing to be heard on the 28th January 2010. So this is now going to be very interesting and I am going to find out just what the IPO are really all about. Are they going to continue to deny me justice and ignore all my evidence once again, or are they finally going to start applying themselves, for now I HAVE SOMEONE ACTING FOR ME THAT CANNOT BE FOBBED OFF. (SO I THOUGHT BACK THEN) For it is not only me who is saying that all the statements made by Robert are lies, but his brother is confirming that all I have said was true and it was all lies.
The main lies being that there was a signed agency agreement in 1989, that they were agents, that they stole my trade mark off me as well as my car designs, that I did not abandon my mark to them, that Robert applied for registration in both their names without Martins knowledge, that Robert did try to sell the mark to Chrysler for half a million, thus giving him the reasons for all his actions, and he did that again without his brothers knowledge. That he lied in his statements saying he never knew where his brother was and the last known address of Martin in Spain, given the IPO in a sworn statement, was made up. Plus a multitude of other lies told in every statement he ever made in all the five hearings to date.
So now we have the task of replying to all the statements Robert has made in the two cases and demolishing them. As with all his statements they are full of vacuous waffle that have nothing to do with the cases and they still contain lies as he just cannot help himself from lying as he is a pathological liar.
So for those of you who are really interested in this unbelievable case, especially anyone who is in I/P, keep looking in as the end is hopefully on the horizon.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 30.

What did I tell you about our wonderful police? True to form I had to push them to do anything and at the end of it they tried to worm their way out of acting on the evidence I showed them. I don't know who I despise more...the civil servants or our wonderful police. They of course rang the IPO and they sure as eggs are eggs had a good talk amongst themselves about what a pain this Cook fella is. So the local cops end up saying that they were told by the IPO that they were best placed to do something about handling these charges about perjury and fraud.
Well that remains to be seen as what I am getting from the IPO tells me that it is not a foregone conclusion that they WILL deal with all this in the forthcoming Invalidity Hearing which I have applied for through my new laywers in order to invalidate them giving Busbridge my Trade Mark. This as the hearing officer will have to decide if it is relevant and shows perjury. My interpretation is that any hearing only will take note of the absolute relevant facts to do with that particular hearing. As this forgery was committed in all the previous hearings which were all about completely different is it that they will take on board all my evidence of the fraud and perjury, which was at its most in the 2004 opposition hearing to Busbridge registering my Mark? So we will have to see. 

However the police did say that if it wasn't dealt with I could go back to them. They obviously were delighted to use whatever the IPO had said to them to give them the excuse to do what all police seem to do these days, when someone asks them to deal with law breakers. It seems to me that it is only when a murder is committed that they actually get off their fat lazy arses. Or when there is a chance for them to play cowboys and shoot someone or play the hard boys at a demo when they can kick someone or push them over etc etc!!

So now it is all hands on deck to get together my last lot of evidence to do with this invalidity application brought on by that bastard Busbridge. Of course I will also have the affidavit of his brother Martin to back me up. However Bob is going to get a surprise at this hearing. IT IS GOING TO BE ABOUT TWO MONTHS BEFORE THIS HEARING TAKES PLACE...SOMEIME IN 2010. MORE WASTING OF TIME. It is now going on 18 years since this all kicked off, thanks to the slowness of the IPO.

Saturday 5 September 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 29.


Now I have to start all over again outlining the same complaint to another bunch of civil service tossers called the 'Office for Judicial Complaints' and no doubt yet another one of those useless quangoes that are set up to protect all the of the civil service. Want to take bets on what they will do.....close ranks behind one of their own (Hobbs QC) and he will get off scott free.

Of course the T/Sol gave this Hobbs character a copy of my complaint so he's had weeks now to cover his arse. His comments beggar belief, he obviously thinks I am just a peasant who simply cannot affect his 'Highness' in any way. Him being a big wig in the so called 'justice' world. He has the affrontery to say,' I considered to be conducive to the attainment of a just and fair outcome to the proceedings then pending before me' The high and mighty tossers think they are so high they cannot never be criticised. The last thing his so called appeal hearing was, was a properly conductive, fair and unbiased hearing. As I have complained, it was nothing but a biased cosy talk where the appeal was not heard, but ways were discussed how the applicant (Busbridge) could cheat me out of my Trade Mark.

I am not going to repeat what happened in that appeal hearing as it is commented on in previous posts. The the writer of the letter a P.Barber, whoever he is, goes on to list why my complaint had no merit. All rubbish and arse covering, of course. I will just have to go through the motions again with this next lot.

On the IPO front I am still getting the run round as whenever I ask for points to be cleared up whoever I am dealing with always acts dumb and I never am given the answer I ask for. Like when I asked why a Gittings was trying it on with my complaint of inaction when I gave him documentary evidence that Busbridge had committed perjury in his statement, which was put in as evidence at his registration application and my opposition to that, he then says it is part of the Invalidity action, yet to be heard. This he does because even though that statement has nothing to do with the application of invalidity, Busbridge threw it in to that case, to muddy the waters. So now I have gone back and insisted that the act of perjury had already been carried out in 2004, what are the IPO going to do about it, and to stop making excuses. So far SILENCE.

However things have moved on somewhat further on the other front. By that I mean that my complaint letter to the CEO which has been on hold, has now be widened to include an affidavit from none other than Robert Busbridges brother, Martin. This I told you about in my last post, and now the additional letter of complaint plus a copy of the affidavit has been sent out. It will be interesting to see just what the CEO does about this. But one thing is for sure, I am out to really get this shower, one way or the other. They have bent over backwards for this lying git for 18 years now, and now I have shown just how they have aided and abetted him to get away with PERJURY, FRAUD, FORGERY, PERVERTING THE COURSE OF JUSTICE, OBTAINING A TRADE MARK THAT HE STOLE FROM ME BY THESE METHODS AND THAT THEY UNSTINTINGLY WENT ALONG WITH ALL OF THE ABOVE AND LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT ALL, TO MY HUGE LOSSES OF PROFITS, BUSINESS AND HEALTH.
If the CEO does what I think he will do and rubbishes it all, it will just go on in other ways until I get JUSTICE.
Of course I have now given a dossier to my local Police about all the Busbridge perjury and the fact that his lies got the police to instigate an action of perjury and forgery against me, which cost the tax payer some huge amount only for them to lose big time. SO HE COMMITS PERJURY TO HAVE THE POLICE CHARGE ME WITH PERJURY  & FORGERY AND BACK IN 1999 'You couldn't make it up' as the Daily Mail writer is always saying about civil servants and the like. I have no faith in the police at all, and I bet you they will try to squirm out of doing everything. I will not let them get away with it, for it is possible to force them to act. SO THE FIGHT IS NOW HOTTING UP.

Sunday 30 August 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 28.

It has been a month now since I wrote to the TSol re their Hobbs QC and his antics. Still no action even though they have said they received my letter. So I have had to send another letter to demand some action due to the fact that I need closure on my actions against Cobretti/Busbridge and the fact that yet another hearing is coming up which is part of the overall story. I don't expect much out of them as no governmental department is going to admit wrong doing.

My complaint to the CEO of the IPO a Mr Fletcher, I told them to hold on until further evidence I had just got in was formulated into a second complaint letter. I mentioned this in my last post and now I am at liberty to divulge what that new evidence is. Those of you who have read this blog from the beginning will know that Robert Busbridge was originally in business with his brother Martin, when I took them on as my agents. That in June 1992 they split up and since then Robert has been saying he never knew where his brother had disappeared to. All I knew was that he was abroad somewhere. A few weeks ago I was rung up out of the blue by Martin who had returned to this country and he said he wanted to help me to get justice and to have his brother get his just rewards. He said he had had no idea what his brother had been up to regarding all the goings on with the IPO over the years, but now he could see via this blog and my other blogs, what had been going on.
Of course I knew that the split up had been acrimonious as Martin had lost his 50% of the business and had lost his house he had put up as collateral on a loan for the business. Also that his marriage had gone down as a result of all the hassle of the business etc. So we arranged a meeting and at this I was able to swop notes as to what had happened after they had decided to steal my business and trade mark off me. Martin freely admitted his part in it and now he said he wanted to make up for it by doing the right thing by me.
I was able to confirm the following;-
1/ They did indeed conspire to pinch my business off me in order to cut me out and make more profit. (I knew that bit, but now it was confirmed for others to see this too)
2/ That Bob had approached Chrysler and unknown to him and had posed as the legitimate owner of my T/M Viper in order to sell it them for £500,000, as I had heard way back.
3/That Bob had unknown to him had put in the applications to register the mark in both their names.
4/ Had engineered the break up in order that he (Bob) would be the sole beneficiary of the business and the £500K he hoped to get off Chrysler. He had told Martins wife that he was having an affair. (Nice one to do on your brother)
5/ Despite Bob telling the IPO that he did not know where his brother was (after the Landau hearing) and then giving the IPO a false address in Spain as being the last known address of Martin. This so the IPO could send Martin a letter asking if he would sign over his half of the business so that would give Bob the right to change the rectify the records. Of course he knew all along where Martin was living in Spain, only 5 K's from their Mothers house, who also lived in Spain and he had visited him their on a few occasions.
6/ That an agency contract was indeed signed by the two brothers back in 1989 and that they indeed had been my agents thereafter to June 1991 and had bought my Viper kits from me for resale. Something that Bob had always denied. So proving that he had lied to the IPO.
8/ That the advertising had been as I had described to Reynolds and namely under my control.

He could confirm many facts that I had told the IPO only to be ignored, and what this now means is that the application to register that was heard by Reynolds back in 2004 was solely made on the back of Lies and Perjury, made to 'Pervert the course of Justice.' This makes Reynolds decision making look as sick and vacuous as I have long said it was, for he ignored my evidence and believed the many lies of the arch liar R.Busbridge. How does that make the IPO look, I ask you all?
I asked Martin if the would be willing to back me up by making out an affidavit stating all the true facts of everything which happened up to the time he left, plus the bit about the perjury over his address. He agreed and this has now been done with a firm of IP solicitorsfor which I now have had to borrow money in order to finally get justice.
So I have now sent the CEO of the IPO a further letter with the affidavit and have demanded action and have said as far as I am concerned, every hearing that was heard by the IPO: The Reynolds hearing for the application to register, the Hobbs hearing for the appeal against Landau, the Foley hearing for Rectification, The Annand hearing for my appeal against Foley, where all tainted and should be declared null and void and that Police action should be taken for the perjury, committed by R.Busbridge on each of these hearings. I as I have already said have provided evidence of perjury which they obviously wanted to brush under the carpet.

As I know they will not want to take Police action, I have gone ahead and taken it myself. I wonder what our wonderful lazy and inactive Police will actually do. However I am determined they will take action and I will take every step I can to make them act. Just as I will against the IPO, for now my hand is strengthened somewhat. So it is all getting much more towards an end game now, but it will be a battle I know. Keep watching this space.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 27.

I have now put in my official complaint letters both to the TSol over the hearing in front of Hobbs QC and to the CEO of the IPO whoever that is these days. I have sent copies to my MP, for what that is worth??

Information has come to light which could blow this case wide open, and I am just waiting for the right time to release that. It will be interesting to see what the IPO then have to say for themselves. Watch this space.  

Had I realised back at the Reynolds hearing back in 2004 that if I had used the trial transcript
to show that Busbridge was perjuring himself, I may have been able to get those oafs, the IPO to see that Busbridge's evidence was flawed and not reliable. However this just shows that when people like me who cannot afford to use expensive IP lawyers, we end up not getting justice thanks to the way the IPO runs itself and it's stupid laws and rules.

Thursday 23 July 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 26.

Since my last post re the IPO, I had emailed them again and got a reply from the boss of the Tribunal section a Mr Allan James to the effect that I had been answered....go away. So I decided to reread the transcript of the appeal Busbridge made before Hobbs QC, back in 2006, against the Landau decision that he should lose the registration. Something was nagging me about all that was said and it was a pretty long winded document of 40+ pages.

The fact that nothing one since that appeal was dropped and the Landau decision was never thus carried out has rankled me and enraged me. On reading it again it suddenly came to me what was going on here. Why the IPO simply refused to answer me, they were deeply involved in a sham of an appeal hearing. It wasn't an appeal hearing at all as I've said, but a cosy get together between the IPO in a MR James, Oh yes, the very same bastard who was refusing to reply to my pertinent questions, and it was becoming very clear why.

You see if you read this document and all the waffle in it between James and Hobbs ( who by the way is very heavily involved in the IPO and therefore NOT INDEPENDENT AND IN ANY CASE WHY WAS HE AT THAT HEARING?? )  For he represented the IPO and Busbridge was supposed to be appealing an IPO decision (Landau's) Yet here he was in this hearing and discussing with Hobbs how Busbridge can circumvent the Landau decision by taking certain steps including dropping this appeal. THIS ALL TELLS YOU JUST HOW CORRUPT THE IPO ARE. They said that if he did that ,he would be able to get the registration in his own name and hey presto.
The IPO as you know from my past posts, then spent over a year telling me and my MP lies as to why they could not tell me what was happening re this Hobbs decision, when all the time they knew full well, as they were present (through James) and knew what they had set in train and giving Busbridge time to try and find his brother to try and get him to sign over his half of the business, so he could then go to the IPO and say 'well now I do own all the business, register it' Fait accompli!!
So now I had to complain to the CEO of the IPO and I also as you know have my MP on a warning basis. I compiled a 5 page letter to the CEO and also a 5 page complaint to the Treasury Solicitor as they run these appointed persons QC's. If I can copy them onto this blog I will do so, so all can see what I have said and get a fuller grasp of the story of how the IPO and the QC have stitched me up.
I have no faith that the CEO will do anything going on past complaints to past CEO's, (they change their CEO's as fast as the rotten politicians change their Ministers. So then it will be down to making yet another complaint to the Parliamentary Ombudsman, and we all know how useless they are. My MP has just got to get involved and do some pushing, but how can you have any faith in that useless lot. All they are interested I is filling their pockets. I have never got any help at any time from any of them. Truly the man in the street is treated like shit in this country, only the crooks and immigrants get anywhere.

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 25.

Since my last post several things have happened. I have set out an official complaint to the CEO of the IPO re the behaviour of their Tribunal/Law Sections. Namely a Mr Roaul Colombo and a Mr Allan James ( the head) If you have read all of my posts you may remember that back in 2005 I won in a hearing held by a Mr Landau when he said that Busbridge should not be allowed to continue with the registration of the trade mark Viper. He appealed that before an Appointed Person a MR Hobbs QC. Held in March 2006.

You will see that I was excluded from that hearing and I had great trouble getting the IPO to tell me what was going on after it had been heard and what was the decision. I could see that something was going on. Both I and my MP were pissed around and lied to by these two characters above. It took a YEAR before I found out that Busbridge had dropped the appeal and had moved onto other ways of getting his wicked way. I did not even know what had been said at this hearing.

Well the first thing you will have seen Busbridge did was to apply to Rectify the Register, that's in an earlier post. I lost that one too, and I then appealed it. Before that appeal on a chance, I asked the IPO for transcript to see what had been said in the Hobbs appeal. I couldn't believe it to be sent one and I think some unknowing civil servant sent it by mistake. What I read made my blood boil.

So I had been asking the Tribunal section as to why the Landau decision was never enacted. No matter what I said over many months I just kept getting the run round. Them acting dumb and giving me so called answers that were not answers at all. I knew they were up to no good. So I have just reread this transcript and I can now see the wood for the trees, and it has come to me.

These bastards in the IPO deliberately decided that although there were no compelling legal reasons why any appeal hearing person could overturn Landau, the IPO certainly did not want that to happen, because that would mean I would win at last. Why don't they want me to win???????

It is now clear to me that even though Busbridge had no legal right to an appeal against the Landau decision, they would give him the appeal. They would illegally keep me out of the Hobbs hearing so they could do in the hearing, whatever they wanted even tho' it had been dropped. SO THE ALLEGED APPEAL HEARING TURNED INTO A MASSIVE 'FREE' LEGAL ADVICE SESSION TO GET BUSBRIDGE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY NOW TOLD HIM TO DO AND WITH THE HELP OF THE IPO. IT IS ALL THERE TO BE SEEN IN THAT TRANSCRIPT. Then keep me waiting for well over a year and a half for the decision (if there was one) and that would give Busbridge the time to carry out their advice to find his brother etc, etc. Then also get him to drop the appeal whilst he was in it and that would get the IPO off the hook to make a decision on an appeal, that should never have been allowed in the first place....TALK ABOUT CORRUPTION THE IPO HAVE NO COMPETITORS- EXCEPT NOW WE KNOW THAT THE POST OFFICE IS ON A PAR WITH THEM. They could hold me off for as long as it was necessary by claiming it was out of their hands and up to the Appointed person (HOBBS) and he could take his time. Then they could make up whatever excuses they liked to enable Busbridge to carry out with the help of the IPO, to go through more applications that they advised him to do, in order to complete their plan to wrest away from me the Viper T/M.

Friday 10 July 2009

Intellectual Property Office_How they aided a crook. 24.

After sending the Head of the Law Section several emails asking him to tell me why the decision of the hearing that took place in 2005 had not been enacted and Busbridge thus being stripped of his registration. This is what should have happened, yet to tell me exactly that would be an admission that the IPO had acted wrongly and can you ever see that happening? He sent me replies which were just waffle and evasion and it was obvious he did not want to answer the question.
I kept on by pointing out how he was not looking at the facts and what that hearing officer had decreed and why, and that I wanted an answer. He then gave me an answer that was pure civil service disengeniousness and totally untruthful. I replied to that effect and all he could say in a final reply was that he had answered my question, and that was the end of it---'Go away pest', which of course he hadn't.
Now I have sent a letter to my MP and more or less told him I expect him to help me for once instead of acting like he couldn't care less, which is what happened when we met a couple of weeks ago when I asked him about a Judicial Review. Telling me in that disinterested way he has, that I should do it myself, spoke volumes about just how interested he was.
So I wait to see how he responds for he could help me if he wanted to by asking the IPO awkward questions.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 23.

In my last post I talked about a Georgina Downs and the problem she was having with another Government department and the six year she has had to endure fighting the lousy bastards over people being poisoned by insecticides. She won at the High Court and as I said the bastard government appealed. Today I heard that bizarrely she has lost that appeal.
I tell you that trying to get Justice against politicians and their lackey civil servants AND THE JUDICIARY is absolutely impossible. To hell with JUSTICE-it simply does not exist in their minds. Apparently all the evidence she put forward at her High Court win was not even considered at the appeal and the useless judges hearing it, only would listen to evidence that someone else has come up with. (which no doubt coincided with what the Government wanted to hear) How corrupt is that, and how bizarre, as she rightly pointed out.

It's like I said, people like her and me just cannot win and right now I am having the same old trouble with the Intellectual Property Office refusing to answer my highly embarrassing question that they do not want to answer. Way back in my posts I told of the hearing back in 2005 when a hearing officer called Landau found for me and said that Busbridge should lose the trade mark, as it should not be renewed as of 1999. He appealed that decision but dropped the appeal. In any other world that would mean that the decision would then be enacted. It wasn't, and Busbridge then went on to engage in other means of attack. What he did should have had no bearing on that original decision.
Put it this way, if someone is accused of murder, is found guilty, then appeals, but for reasons known only to them, drops the appeal, do you really think he would be allowed to walk free? No way, he would be sent to prison to serve the original sentence. (More like he would stay in prison as he would never have been allowed out anyway, even to appeal) That is not how the IPO work.
I have sent some emails to their Law Section to ask why it was the decision was not carried out
and all I have had is the Head of that section playing silly buggers with his answers. He is obviously unwilling to answer the questions at all.
I also posed the question as to what their procedures are when perjury is committed by Busbridge in a recent written statement of evidence he made in trying to now get my registration made invalid. I told him that I had the transcript from my criminal case in 2000 when I was accused by Busbridge of perjury and forgery, which I was found not guilty, in which Busbridge admits to several points made by my barrister, and yet in his 2005 sworn statement to the IPO, he tells the opposite, knowing full well he is lying. Would this bloke answer that....would he hell. Prevaricates and pretends he doesn't understand the question. So I continue the battle for TRUTH and JUSTICE.
Next stop if they will not come up with the answers, is my useless MP again, and this time it will be in writing so I cannot get the heavo after 5 minutes is up at a personal meeting, like last time. That letter is going to be VERY blunt.

Sunday 28 June 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 22.

I have long talked about trying to get a Judicial Review, which anyone can ask for should they think a judicial process has been carried out incorrectly. I certainly think most of what the Intellectual property Office has done has been incorrect and perverse, and as I have reached the end of all of the processes, I could ask for one.
However it is not as simple as that as you need to know the procedure for doing so and the case you put forward for one must be legally correct. One can be a litigant in person, but it is not as easy as you may think. First of all you have to get your request in no more than 3 months after the cessation of the last process, and that is not long enough for the amateur lawyer. Then you have to know how to put it all together in a way that will be legally acceptable AND will cover ALL the legal points you think have been incorrectly dealt with. In such a complicated case as this, you really need an I/P lawyer to do all this.
As I have pointed out many times, in this wonderful country of ours justice is only available for the rich. The peasants with little or no money can whistle, because how can a peasant afford fees of £300 per hour to £500ph ? Seeing as the Labour Party since it's been in power, has destroyed legal aid for the peasants it was always supposed to represent, it is impossible to get legal aid for such a legal case. No I/P lawyer will do ANY work on I/P on legal aid, so effectively your stuffed.

I did contemplate doing as a litigant in person, but first of all I thought I would get the advice of one that has gone down that route. Some years ago in Sussex a young woman called Georgina Downs went to Court to get J/R over farmer spraying insecticides next to peoples houses and poisoning them. She had lived next to a field and the farmer had done this to her family with bad effects on all their health. I found a website she had and got in touch with her. I spoke at length with her over how she was able to do it and what had happened .
Basically after that conversation it was obvious that what I would have to go through would be a none starter for me. She was a young person when she started (around 20) and it had gone on for 6 years plus and was still unfinished. Firstly it would take up to a year to even get started, then it could get delayed due to the tactics of the opposition (in this case the IPO) and even if you won, they could go for an appeal.
Plus she had had the help of a barrister who she found who worked on reduced fees. She had spent untold time researching the legal side so she herself could do all the legal legwork. So it had taken over most of her life. In my case all this, I decided was too much to pay. Being 68 now, I certainly did not want to have this TAKE OVER all of my life and what may be left of it. Hence why I wanted an I/P barrister to do that.
Knowing the way all civil service departments work, the IPO would make it as difficult as possible and as slow as possible, and they of course have a bottomless pit of money they can draw on. The tax payer of course funds them and you just know that if they lost they definitely would use the taxpayers money to appeal. So it costs them nothing and they do not want ever to be found to be in the wrong. So I decided that I would reluctantly have to let the injustices heaped upon me, go. Even if it sticks in the craw to let them and that lying bastard Busbridge get away with the outright theft of my I/P and all the rest.

Friday 26 June 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 21.

As I said in my last post, this pathological liar has lied his way into achieving his ultimate aim of stripping me, with the aid of those complete wankers at the IPO, of my stolen I/P rights. Busbridge, has now reactivated the Invalidity action to have my Registration declared invalid, which he had started in 2003 prior to the hearing when he applied to register my Mark. It was put on hold until all the actions that have gone on since then, which the IPO have seen fit to believe him on each occasion. Now they are all at an end he has been able to ask for it to be reactivated. The so called evidence he put forward with application was once again laughable. However the IPO like most British civil service and justice departments seem always to believe the criminals and discount anything the victims of the criminals, say. If you read his rambling page by page never ending diatribe of lies and rubbish, non of which were backed up by evidence, you would have to wonder just how any hearing officer of the IPO could believe such obvious trash. But as you have read they did. The hearing officer Reynolds who is well known for being useless in I/P circles, unbelievably declared that I had "abandoned" my trade mark in 1990/1991 to Busbridge. This despite all the evidence I showed that I did no such thing. He chose not to even get his head around the fact that no one who half a brain would abandon a trade mark which they had used for 5 years, putting huge effort into building up, who also had entered into a 10 years battle with a huge multi national company, Chrysler, at high cost, to stop them from pinching the trade mark. Why would anyone having done all that just throw it all away in 1990/1991??????? He poo pooed the evidence I showed of all the orders and invoices between me and Busbridge in 1990/1991 showing me supplying the liar with kits and many parts. So by trashing my rights at that point, I end up not being able to retaliate and appeal because I could not afford up to £50K to do so. (who can except the rich....THIS IS BRITISH JUSTICE AT WORK ONCE MORE) So the other endless hearings were a result and which got me nowhere.
So now I am into the SIXTH hearing when I will once again put forward THE TRUTH, backed up by hard documentary evidence, which will be once gain ignored by the IPO. They of course cannot afford to find for me no matter what I say or show, for they cannot be seen to have made any mistakes in the past hearings. To find now for me will do this. However I will just have to go ahead with this.
What this piece of lying trash is saying is that it was I who stole the trade mark off him and the kits I sold amounted to my "passing off "HIS designs and trade mark". One of his many lies is that he has traded with the mark VIPER since 1987. It is well documented that I did not even take him on until 1988 as my agent and during 1988 to 1991 it was I who manufactured the kits and supplied him as my agent. It is not possible, legally, for anyone to claim when acting as an agent, that the trade mark of the company they act as agents for, can be claimed by them. So it is clear that he was NEVER in a position to use my trade mark until the point when he stole my designs and my trade mark in mid 1991, and even then he was not able to manufacture his copies of my product until late 1991 and even early 1992 as it took him that long to set up suppliers of the chassis and body.
So it will be a long slog to write out my evidence to the contrary of his lying allegations, and one cannot help wondering is it all worth it to eventually have whatever I say and show, to be trashed once again by the corrupt IPO lot.

Thursday 21 May 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 20.


I believe that what this case shows, and I do not doubt that out there, there probably are many more such unreported cases, that in this country those who have designs, trade marks, copyrights, patents etc, simply cannot rely on the Intellectual Property Office to protect their rights or treat them with competence and honesty.

So you can understand exactly how you could end up like me, having had my I/P stolen from me by a cheating agent, then suffering 17 years of endless hassle via the IPO, losing over £750K of profits, losing my health and having to retire 5 years early with a business worth SWFA, I am going to give you a quick run down on the main points. I am sure many will not have read the full story so this brief rundown will help:-
1/ 1986 I and my son and staff design a kitcar and give it the trade name Viper. Like many small businesses I am too busy and short of cash to immediately register the mark. However I am still covered legally by common law.
2/ In the beginning of 1988 I take on an agent Cobretti Engineering, in London, for the South East.
3/ In late 1989 I have to get rid of two partners so start a new company. I retake on the agent, but this time I will only manufacture the product and make fully built cars, while the agent Cobretti will handle all the retailing of the kits UK wide.
4/ In mid 1991 Cobretti decide to repay all the business I put their way, by copying my designs and also pinching the Trade Mark. They attempt to cheat Chrysler by saying they own the mark but will sell it to them for anything up to £500K.
5/ I find out at this time that Chrysler want to register my trade mark.
6/ I also find out that Cobretti also want to register my trade mark.
7/ I have to cover myself and also register my mark.
8/ I first of all have to oppose Chrysler who had their application in before Cobretti. Cobretti's application is put on hold until my case (I am claiming prior use from 1986)
9/After a snail like 10 year case I win against Chrysler.
10/ Thinking that it was a foregone conclusion that the Cobretti application would be dropped by IPO because I have had use since 1986 and now have registration, was a foolish naive thought for they immediately reinstate their application.
11/ Now I have to fight them. I had paid for legal representation with Chysler but cannot stretch to this, this time so am forced to do the case myself.
12/ An application hearing is set for mid 2004 and I will be opposing. It is very apparent that the miserable hearing officer Reynolds doesn't like hearings where the applicants and opposers represent themselves. I lose and am given perverse reasons for losing.
13/ The reason given was that in the infinite wisdom of Reynolds I was deemed in 1990 when I retook on Cobretti as an agent that I had abandoned my mark. I was incredulous as the reason given was that this was because I had not advertised my product and used my Trade Mark in doing so. I had allowed Cobretti as retailer to do this thus they had "taken" over my mark. What a load of cobblers and crap!! I can think of many manufacturers who have agents who retail and advertise their products, yet have never heard of a single case where one has thus lost thier T/M. Think of Ford or Vauxhall etc. I did have evidence of my advertising my mark and I had made five fully built cars for customers in the period 1990/1991. What were they called???
I also had all the orders and invoices to and from Cobretti and the mark was shown on some of those. All ignored by the ignoramus Reynolds
15/ As any appeal would have to be done through the High Court at great cost (at least £50K)
obviously I had to let it all go. BRITISH JUSTICE IPO STYLE!!!
16/ 2005. A hearing was ordered by the IPO to look into alleged assignments which I had queried the validity of, this at the application hearing by Reynolds. Another hearing officer Landau (probably the only honest H/O in the IPO) found that Busbridge had no legal right to the mark. This because when he and his brother split up their partnership in 1992, Robert did not buy out his brothers share, so he had no rights to register the mark and it was declared null and void. He also referred to his bankruptcy.
17/ Busbridge appealed over the assignments, but he was allowed to appeal to an independent QC rather than as under the 38 Act to the High Court. This service is FREE. He drops his appeal after getting loads of free advice from this QC on how he can stitch me up.
18/ By any rights you would think that the original Landau decision would now be enacted. Not on your life!!!!!!! Not when the IPO are concerned.
19/Busbridge now puts into motion the advice. Apply to have the records of the original registration application to be changed to ONLY HIS NAME and dropping the name of his brother. So Hey Presto he is now the legal owner of the Mark, even though I too have it registered. So what is the point of having a    T/M when the IPO allow two people to have same Mark for identical products. All my evidence for this application to be denied is ignored by H/O Foley. I can appeal.
20/ At the appeal again all my evidence is ignored and I lose again thanks to the corrupt ways of the IPO who as far as I am concerned had decided way back because I had complained bitterly for their actions or non actions. Someone had decided I was to pay for being cheeky enough to make waves for civil servants. I was doomed to lose as they knew I had no clout or money to get expert legal help to really show them up.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 19.

Now who was this woman Professsor Annand, who heard this appeal. On researching her I see that at least since 2001 and up to 2006, she heard no leas than around FIFTY ODD CASES FOR THE IPO, as a hearing officer. This for the IPO and the Treasury Solicitor. My first thought is that the Treasuries job is to see that they spend as little money as possible. If she finds for me that opens the door to me suing the IPO and we cannot have that, can we? So I am not holding my breath. For we have a person who has worked for the IPO for years and one has to ask where are her loyalties? She may even still be paid for by the IPO for all I know. I am sure the UK Public are well aware of all the gross cases where government departments judge themselves. The list includes Politicians, Dentists, Doctors, Police, solicitors etc, to name a few. Then we have all these supposedly independent OMBUDSMEN. What a joke they are, independent my backside. My MP of a few years ago who was old enough to be in the know, told me to never waste my time going them as they were all a waste of time. How right he was. So the person who heard this appeal did not fill me with any hope whatsoever and within minutes of the appeal starting, her words spelled out what the outcome was going to be.

The hearing Officer Foley, who heard the application to rectify the register and to change the details that the IPO have of both Martin Busbridge and Robert Busbridge as being the registered owners of the Mark Viper, to that of only Robert Busbridge. You may ask, "well so what, does it matter who is registered as the owner" I say it is important, because at a previous hearing Hearing Officer Landau said clearly that Robert was just not legally able, to even apply for the registration as he had never bought out his brothers 50% of the business and its assets. He said that the registration of the mark had to be annulled. Now several devious avenues down the line, the IPO have manipulated things to now put all that on its head, and to now arrive at a situation where they have manipulated everything to Busbridges advantage, and they have found excuses to say that he was perfectly and legally able to steal his brothers half of the business. I had hoped that this Annand person would be looking at what Landau had said, and asking why it was never carried out. Obviously she never had the guts to do that, for her job was to make sure the devious ways the IPO had concocted to allow Busbridge to keep his registration, carried on uninterrupted. So I hope you can see why I tried to stick in my oar and stop the registration ever being in only Roberts name.

To recap the decision of Foley in a nutshell I lay out his reasons:-
1/ He said that by Robert giving his brother an indemnity for future debts etc, this gave RB a right to MB's half of the business. This even though no such legal indemnity was ever sighted, and it was said that it was reasonable to assume it was given. Evidence here, goes out of the door, as the IPo don't do evidence.
2/ RB was therefore entitled as registered owner to apply for the registration which was up for extension in 1999, to be extended.
3/ Adverts showed RB carried on business on his own from 1992 when the partnership broke up and right to present time. Completely ignoring the facts that from 1993 t0 1996 he was a bankrupt and not legally able to trade, that from 1996 to 2000 the companies that were used to trade with the name Viper, were not owned by him but his wife.
4/ There were no laws re bankruptcy which said that his asset of a trade mark application had to go to the Official Receivers. This even though I had several letters from various high up managers including the IPO & CEO, that said had the IPO known he was bankrupt they would have contacted the O.R over the application.

I put in my statement which held all my replies, to everything Foley had brought up in summing up his decision. I put in this document 14 pages and 21 paragraphs which all scrupulously dealt with only what Foley had spoken about. I showed the inconsistencies and the mistakes he made. I kept to only what Foley had dealt with and said.

After having put in this statement, I realised that one of the main planks of his reason to allow
RB to alter the registry, was over the business of his bankruptcy and the letter he had got from the Insolvency Service in 2007, which said they were not interested in the asset of the trade mark. Yet when I had asked them many times for information they had always told me they were unable to answer any questions as to what they believed or did in 1992, could not be answered as all the files had been destroyed due to age. Yet here they were, able to categorically say they were never interested in it. How did they know this with no files to look at? Yet here is Foley using this to say RB thus owned it.

I decided that I had to ask to be allowed to put in extra evidence and to ask the I.S questions and to get them to clear up why they sent this letter. I had only been given 28 days to get in my statement of appeal. I knew the I.S would take months to reply. I compiled another statement and argument, showing the replies I had got from the I.S and I believe they showed that this letter could not be relied on as credible evidence. I sent it in.

Professor Annands summing up and decision document is only 11 pages long and most of that is taken up with typical IPO waffle. Going over and repeating the story that we all know already:-
Page 1 deals with the Act that says an application for rectification can be made.
Page 2 ditto
Page 3 ditto then how RB applied and what he said.
Page 4 ditto
Page 5 what the registrar said in a letter to RB and his reply. How the IPO sent a letter to Martin Busbridge even though they did not know where he lived and just posted it to his supposed last address. How the registrar wrote to me.
Page 6 general comments on that letter and how I applied for an appeal. My application to apply to put in further evidence.
Page 7 At last a reference to the actual appeal hearing but only to what she thought of my extra evidence which was to trash it as it in her opinion had no effect on the appeal, even though it concerned one of the three planks of the reasons for the decision of Foley. That's the way the IPO work. She even states that Martin had no part in RB's bankruptcy. So what! as it was RB that was doing all the applications to keep the Trade Mark and it was Foley that brought up this for one of the reasons for his decision.
Page 8 She states my reason that I thought the H>O was wrong to allow the application because there was no evidence that Martin gave up his part of the business. Hurrah she actually agrees that I was right about my complaint the Foley had strayed into the other hearings instead of keeping to what he was only supposed to be dealing with. She then reverts to repeating what Foley had stated in his summing up
Page 9 ditto, She states my criticising Foley for making constant references to what Hobbs QC said in his hearing where he pontificates on law.
Page 10 ditto and Annand simply agrees that whatever Hobbs said, that was OK and that Foley referred to what he said was also OK. (One has to remember here that Hobbs was supposed to be dealing with an appeal against what Landau had decided. Which he ignored and instead pontificated on his vast knowledge and gave Busbridge endless free advice on how to stitch me up. All perfectly OK by IPO standards. To me it smacks of Hobbs is a big wheel in Intellectual Property and Annand is sucking up to him..... Fuck me, what do I matter. She then says I criticised the fact that there was no evidence for the alleged indemnity. Then she says that even that being so. that's OK according to according to same case law, which she does not elucidate us with.
Page 11 More waffle re what the Registrar has to look at when in 2007 RB applies for rectification. She says there was evidence that RB had continued to trade ( completely ignoring my evidence and statements about this alleged trading being all mostly smoke and mirrors and lies) How a letter was sent to a supposed address of Martin in Spain, etc. Then her CONCLUSION that my appeal is dismissed.

90% of all her document is waffle and going over what we already know as it is on the record.
My two statements to her re my appeal plus the accompanying documentary evidence to back up a lot of what I said, are all ignored. This even though 100% of what I talked about and dealt with, was all in reply to what Hearing Officer Foley had written in his summing up and decision.
Not to mention what evidence Busbridge had put into the original application and my statement and documentary evidence in reply to all that. Was all that bullshit to be ignored, because it was the basis on which the application case was based on.
Quite frankly it all smacks of a rush job where the outcome had been preordained, for the IPO know they can say anything and they know that, what the hell can I do about it. They probably guess that at the end of the day, what can I do about anything as they know I am penniless, to all intents and purposes.
Further on this line, I was surprised that during the short 3/4 hour so called hearing, Annand did not ask either myself or Busbridge any searching questions. I mean, I posed many questions as the the reasons Foley used, and to the evidence of Busbridge which he relied on. She should have cleared up my queries. So it all smacked of not a hearing to go into the questions as to the rightness of Foleys statements and really amounted to no more than a retrial of the application heard by Foley. She had her agenda and what went on at the Foley hearing was of no consequence. If she had said that the Foley hearing was flawed and his approach was all wrong
and she was going to start from scratch, that would have been more honest. However doing that would have meant I would then have wanted to put a fresh opposition statement in and I would have wanted Busbridge to do likewise.

One thing that Annand did say on page 6, para 12 shows me how her mind was working. She puts in what I think is a snide remark as to why did the Registrar send me a letter telling me of the "update". This was telling me that Busbridge was putting in for a rectification and. She remarks in words that are implicating that this appliaction was nothing to do with me as wasn't a party to those proceedings.. So why should the IPO be letting me know? She even says that my opposition to Busbridges original application to register the mark in 2004 had been decided in his favour and I had not appealed. She is implying that I should therefore mind my own business.
Well Madam, I had a big interest in what went on over Busbridges registration for I too have registration for the EXACT SAME MARK, and I had that on the basis of usage going further back than Busbridge. The IPO knew that I would be opposing anything he did to solidify his position, and that was my right to do so. I should NEVER have been in an ex parte situation where I could not openly see what was going on. The law says ANYONE can oppose his rectification application and as I say, I had good reason to do so. But it shows that her mind was made up on this whole story and it also shows her biased attitude towards me.

People like her in governmental positions annoy the hell out of me. None of them have ever run a business or a welkstall. They have no understanding of the "real World" the world of business and what i have been up against. I bet her attitude would be vastly different if she had had a business and had designed something, which was then stolen from her thus giving her the aggro I have had for 17 years.

However even poor people can if they try hard enough, get JUSTICE. It all depends on your tenacity. Plus today we have the power of the web.
At the end of the day this exercise was only held because before I can even apply for a Judicial Review of the whole sorry saga from day one, I have to show that I pursued it to the very end. It matters not to me whether the Trade Mark Viper is registered to Martin, Robert Busbridge or Mickey Mouse. What matters is that it was allowed to be registered to anyone else at all, when I by all laws, and MORALLY, had the rights to it going back to 1986. Full Stop!!!!!! It should never have been allowed to go ahead to a bankrupt, then after I had got registration, by proving use prior to the start of use by Busbridge, it should never, on the evidence heard before Reynolds, have been given to Busbridge. What Reynolds said in his decision was a travesty of justice, and it was compounded by the fact that under archaic rules of the 1938 Act, I would have to be a rich bastard to be able to afford to appeal it. In fact had I been rich I would never have lost that hearing in the first place., and that bastard Reynolds made it perfectly plain that he hated having to hear a hearing made by two non legal people. I guess he hated me the most, judging by his remarks, so made sure I lost. BRITISH JUSTICE.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 18.

Of course it was a foregone conclusion that I would mount an appeal against the perverse decision by Hearing Officer Foley, last year. The reasoning he used to allow the rectification of the Trade Mark Registry to amend their records and show that Robert Busbridge owned the Trade Mark Viper, was flawed in a number of areas.
Firstly saying that a bankrupt person need not lose an application made to register a T/M is perverse, especially when you have their own CEO saying they would. Secondly saying that in a partnership that breaks up, the partner that continues with the business would automatically be said to have legitimately taken over the other partners 50% share of the assets, merely by allegedly giving a indemnity against any future problems, even though no such legal document exists to prove that took place, is also perverse. So here we go again in this 17 year fiasco of incompetence and snail like progress that you can only get with British civil servants, thus forcing me into another legal fight.
This time it will be an appeal by me in front of what they call "An appointed person" who is supposed to be independent, but who in reality, really is a servant (indirectly) of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) I have a 6th April date in front of a Professor of Law at a university, who takes such appeals. I do not have much faith that they will be truly independent. QC Hobbs who heard the appeal by Busbridge in 2007 turns out to be a big wheel with the IPO and used by them all the time, and this was shown in this case, when I got the transcripts of that hearing. It was just a biased hearing which turned out to be no more than a "free advice session" to advise Busbridge on how to stuff me up and get round his legal problems and the decsions that went against him. In my case this person happens to be a woman. So we shall see, but I am not holding my breath.
To get a Judicial Review you have to exhaust all avenues to get your justice, and after this appeal I will have done that. So then it will be a matter of trying to find a lawyer who will take my case on, as in this wonderful country of ours where only the criminals and immigrants get unlimited free legal aid, white indigenous Brits like me who are not criminals, can go fuck ourselves. Only the rich get justice as they can afford it. On top of this, lawyers these days are only interested in heaps of dosh and people being able to access to justice, is a foreign field to them. Will I be able to find an enlightened your bets now!!