Saturday 21 November 2009

Intellectual Property Office-How they aided a crook. 31.

Again it has been some time since I last updated and this is because as we all know all government departments only move at snails pace. Even though I complained months ago about the provable perjury of Busbridge, they have refused to act only saying that they will deal with all that at the Invalidity Hearing which has taken until now for me to even get a date for it.
As I said in previous post I have taken on an I/P lawyer and he contacted the IPO to get them to agree to have a telephone conference to discuss the rolling up of three actions into one hearing. This was then made into two actions, namely the application by Martin to rectify the register again due to his brothers lies made throughout all the hearings. Martin sent the IPO a statement in which he laid out all his complaints as to what had happened throughout the various hearings which started in 2004 with his application to register the T/M. Especially Roberts application to rectify the register to read that he was now the only registered owner of the mark.
So the IPO turned this into an application to rectify made by Martin. Of course even though I am inextricably linked to all this, I was to be once again kept out of it. So at this conference which took weeks before it happened on the 17th Nov, my lawyer asked that I be allowed to be part of this process and that we wanted the application made by Busbridge to make my registration of my mark, made invalid, to be heard at the same time.
The IPO agreed to this but let us face it, it was no magnaminous decision as they really could not refuse, unless they wished to make it look like they were complete assholes. We were all given until the end of Dec 2009 to get in all our statements and evidence, then a hearing to be heard on the 28th January 2010. So this is now going to be very interesting and I am going to find out just what the IPO are really all about. Are they going to continue to deny me justice and ignore all my evidence once again, or are they finally going to start applying themselves, for now I HAVE SOMEONE ACTING FOR ME THAT CANNOT BE FOBBED OFF. (SO I THOUGHT BACK THEN) For it is not only me who is saying that all the statements made by Robert are lies, but his brother is confirming that all I have said was true and it was all lies.
The main lies being that there was a signed agency agreement in 1989, that they were agents, that they stole my trade mark off me as well as my car designs, that I did not abandon my mark to them, that Robert applied for registration in both their names without Martins knowledge, that Robert did try to sell the mark to Chrysler for half a million, thus giving him the reasons for all his actions, and he did that again without his brothers knowledge. That he lied in his statements saying he never knew where his brother was and the last known address of Martin in Spain, given the IPO in a sworn statement, was made up. Plus a multitude of other lies told in every statement he ever made in all the five hearings to date.
So now we have the task of replying to all the statements Robert has made in the two cases and demolishing them. As with all his statements they are full of vacuous waffle that have nothing to do with the cases and they still contain lies as he just cannot help himself from lying as he is a pathological liar.
So for those of you who are really interested in this unbelievable case, especially anyone who is in I/P, keep looking in as the end is hopefully on the horizon.

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