In the days since my last post I have endeavoured to pin down the corrupt MoJ and the equally corrupt Government Legal Department. The GLD used to be called the Treasury Solicitors and they were the responsiblity of the MoJ. They as you will have seen, provided the Corrupt Barrister Hobbs QC, who did all the dirty deeds for the IPO at that bogus appeal hearing.
On the T/Sol website when they traded under that name, they clearly stated they were an arm of the MoJ, so in my mind that made the MoJ responsible for the criminal acts of their employee Hobbs. Hence my going after them. Remember their excuse made to the Parliamentary Ombudsman and to myself, but without any explanation, was "We have no jurisdiction over this."
That led me to wonder if for once they may be telling the truth, so I decided to find out who is now providing Appointed Persons, as this Hobbs bum was, when he heard that bogus and unlawful hearing. So I emailed the MoJ and asked if they still provided A/P's to to the IPO and was told they did not. Of course they kept quiet as to who does. So my next step is to ask the IPO, but true to form when I emailled their general enquiries dpt, no one gave the simple answer but said they had passed it onto the relevant department. That just shows you how incompetent the IPO are when you simply cannot get any answer off them and this to a simple question. Of course nowhere on their useless website do they mention the answer when you search for it. Bet U, I will either get no answer as no doubt my email and name will flag up on their computer system, on which they no doubt keep the details of people they don't like. I remember that last year I asked another simple question and went through the same pantomime when they replied and refused to answer my then question, because they knew who I was. Same bloke replied who was responsible for the setting up and subseqent lies he made about very same 'BOGUS APPEAL HEARING', one Columbo ...he of the scruffy mack. I presume. (if you remember that TV series of the Yank detective)
So the upshot is that the corrupt wheels of the corrupt British Justice System continue to grind on denying people like me, access to JUSTICE for their CORRUPT ACTIONS !! Will detail where I get with this latest line of attack. In the meantime I've sent off my request for an investigation into the Hobbs QC actions and with all the documentary evidence to back up my allegations....including a copy of the TRANSCRIPT. Sent via Registered post so they cannot say they never got it. No doubt they will ignore it as so far they have not even acknowledged receipt, which normally they should do and tell you how many years you will have to wait to get a reply !!!
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